It is all about inner game, I understood

Oko Khosbayar
3 min readOct 11, 2023
Photo by Olia 💙💛 Gozha on Unsplash

Hello my Medium page! It has been a while since my last article.

I have super exciting news: I am going to launch my passion project in November. It will be a newsletter on health and wellness (and many more)! I am truly excited about this as I have given lots of thoughts and finally made my mind to “do it”. Yes, I know I struggle with things even though I write all these ‘life lessons’ lol. Please stay tuned for more~! ❤.

The beauty of getting old is that you no longer pay attention to what everybody is doing or say about you. Everyone is too busy with their own life. The fear of judgment is in you, in your head. Sure, some people give you that look of disapproval or tell you terrible hurtful things. But they don’t think about you more than few minutes, I promise. People have stuff to do. So do you. Learning to stop taking things seriously and protecting your energy at all times are a priceless lessons we need to learn. I am working on these and been pretty successful. Protecting your energy and inner peace no matter how stressful a situation or how negative the other person is beyond amazing. I feel like learning these equal winning at life.

I have been learning that it is all about energy. It is all about inner game. You decide how to feel. You decide how to react. You decide how to live this life. We all deal with difficult people all the time. Often times, those people or some mishaps ruin our days. However, when we learn this (protecting your energy) you will no longer be affected external things. In reality, negative people don’t ruin your day. It is you that allow them to do so.

I am not encouraging to be emotionless or do not react to things at all. The point is, at least when you feel good and have great day, protect that energy and avoid taking negative vibes. Most things (problems at work etc) are often not worth the energy. Stop granting your energy to people and things don’t matter.

I really learned this the hard: How you see yourself is the key. See yourself as the highest version of yourself and believe in it. Once you believe in it, you start to act like it. And then your repeated actions will create that version.

If you want to attract a good energy, people with great vibes, you will have to have that in you. You attract what you are.

Tell yourself the kindest things, treat yourself good, and forgive yourself like you do others often. You are your best friend. At the end of the day, all you have is yourself.

Be careful of what you think. What you think becomes words, words become actions. Don’t say things even jokingly unless you want them to become reality.

Lastly, I would strongly encourage you to try meditation if you haven’t tried already! You don’t have to meditate 30 minutes every day. 10–15, or at least 5 minutes each day will make a huge difference. It may be different for everyone. For me, meditation has been helping me with stress. Moreover, thanks to meditation, I have been able to hear my inner voice. I have been neglecting what my inner voice had to say and now I’m finally able to hear it and face the truth.

All the best,

